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The power of delegation done right

The 5 Essential Steps to Unlock Your Business Potential

Ever felt like building a business is a bit like running a marathon… uphill… with a backpack full of bricks? One minute, you're all revved up for the journey ahead, and the next, you're gasping for breath, questioning your sanity and wondering how the heck you got yourself into this mess. 

Sound familiar? You're not alone. 

But here's a game-changer: you don't have to run this race solo. There's a hidden superpower that many entrepreneurs and small business owners often overlook - delegation.

I hear it all the time, "I need to delegate more, but how?" As a recovering “must do all the things” addict, here’s what I recommend to get out of your own way and lighten that backpack, one task at a time.

1. Do your research.
Find out what skills are needed by the person you’re going to hire. Just like hiring an accountant to do your taxes, you’ll want to find someone with expertise. If you need to delegate setting up your email newsletter, find someone with experience using Mailchimp, Constant Contact or a similar program.

2. Take time to plan.
Give the person doing the work enough time to schedule it into their calendar and get it done. This requires planning ahead. You need to be prepared, too, for the answer to be “no” or “not this week.”

3. Provide specific information.
“Can you handle this?” is not enough information for the person you’re delegating to – even if it’s a simple and (in your mind) self-explanatory task. Include details, timelines and any supporting information. Be thorough: include deadlines and guidelines about how you’d like the work to be done.

4. Create regular check-in points.
If you’ve delegated a project, schedule check-in points for milestones to make sure things stay on track. Sometimes there can be misunderstandings about the required tasks even when you both think you understand. Regular meetings will help with discovery and allow for adjustments.

5. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
When you work with someone, you’re in a relationship with them. You don’t need to be BFFs, but simple things that work in your other relationships will work in this one, too. A simple, “Thank you – great job,” or “How was your weekend?” will go a long way. Be sure to answer questions about the project quickly, so that it can stay on track and on time. Your work together will require conversation – either written or verbal.

Delegation is a powerful way to maximize your time and get help with areas of your business where you might not have expertise. Done well, it can be a big win for you and your business.

But remember, delegation doesn't have to (and SHOULDN'T) mean completely offloading all of your business tasks. You've likely worked hard to get to where you are today — and should continue to help shape the success of your business. 

Foster relationships with contractors or virtual staff who complement your skills, freeing up more time for you to stay focused in your zone of genius.  Don't forget that you're in charge here, so delegate strategically and watch your business take off!  

Not sure where to start or need some support in setting up your outsourcing strategy, get in touch with us now to discuss the benefits of delegating your marketing needs. Together, we’ll create a plan that works for you and helps move your business forward. Embrace the superpower of delegation and smash those business goals!