7 tips for every new entrepreneur starting an online business 

Graphic text 7 Tips for Every New Entrepreneur Starting an Online Business

I was recently invited to chat with the editors over at VoyageRaleigh, and I'm so proud that Studio Three 49's story is featured on a platform that fosters collaboration and support for independent, creative, local entrepreneurs, small businesses and artists.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we're so focused on where we're going ... the next client, the next launch, the next big project win. It's easy to forget to stop every once in a while to celebrate our achievements and recognize where we've already been.

In the interview, I had a chance to reflect on how the business started almost three years ago, with me just on the other side of my second layoff in less than 90 days DIY-ing a website in my now ex-boyfriend's kitchen, to where we are today — a small but mighty boutique digital marketing agency.

Click here for the full interview. 

So what have I learned since jumping off the cliff to start an online business? 

Surprisingly, launching a business online isn't that much different from starting anything new. So whether it's a new product or service-based business, here's a few small business marketing tips and strategies to help set you up for success. 

Have a clear direction and focus on your goal. 

Decide you're going to be successful. You have the power of choice, and your success or failure is very often decided right between your two ears. Visualize the business you're creating, what kind of customers you’re looking to target and live into the final result. The more you believe in your ability to succeed, the more effort you will put towards your goals and the more likely you will be to achieve success. 

Set achievable, measurable goals and make sure that your business plan and marketing strategies are tailored specifically to reach these goals. Once you have these in place, the rest of your journey to success should be much easier.

Choose the right platforms for your business model. 

It’s important to choose the right platforms for your business models. Different businesses work on different platforms and you need to make sure that the ones you choose are secure and user friendly. 

Everything from your client management software, project management tools, digital marketing and social media. There’s plenty of them out there, and you can check out our Toolkit for more of our favorites.

Pro tip: don't skimp on the paid subscription. It's all about working smarter, not harder. If there's a platform out there that will make your job easier and build more time back into your schedule, make the investment. It will pay for itself in the time you're better able to dedicate to the money making activities in your business. Why take five steps for a task that could easily be accomplished in one or two, if you simply paid for the $5 per month subscription.

Choose your niche and invest in education.  

When it comes to starting an online business, you need to have a strong understanding of the market. Invest time and money in learning about the topics related to your niche. This will enable you to develop a comprehensive product or service that is tailored to meet the expectations of your customers. 

Whatever that business is, whether it's something completely new or just new to you, do the research to find out what skills and strategies you need to be most successful. Who do you need to be talking to? Is there an online course you can take? A coaching or mastermind program you can join? The same way you found this post, with a quick search online, you'll discover no shortage of resources and ideas for small business marketing to support you in your business. And the learning never stops. Always be open to opportunities that will expand your skill set and deepen your knowledge and level of expertise you can offer your clients.

Have an online presence. 

Having an effective online presence is essential for any business, and your website is the foundation. It’s essential to create a professional website that reflects your brand and provides a seamless user experience. Your website should be mobile-responsive, fast and easy to navigate. You can use website builders like Wix, Squarespace or WordPress to create your website without any coding knowledge.

Leverage social media. 

Once you have a professional website, start utilizing various digital channels like social media, email marketing and more to promote your business. This works especially well when it comes to spreading the word about discounts or building brand loyalty. Additionally, investing in search engine optimization (SEO) can help you rank higher in search results, driving more organic traffic to your site. Need some help? Click here to learn more about how we can work together.

Monitor your analytics.

Analytics is the key to understanding your online business’s performance. It allows you to track your website traffic, user behavior, conversion rates and other essential metrics. You can use analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance and make data-driven decisions. Your website builder may also have built in analytics you can use. By analyzing your analytics data, you can identify areas for improvement, track your progress and optimize your online business for success.

Just start!

Take whatever imperfect idea, product, service you've been wanting to put out into the world and try.

Yes, I know, easier said than done. I've been the queen of excuses: it's not the right time, I don't have enough time, I don't have any ideas, I only have stupid ideas, I don't have enough money, I can't make enough money, the market's too crowded and on and on and on.

Would I have chosen to start a business in the middle of a family health crisis, my third move in less than a year and a global pandemic. Absolutely not. Is there ever a right time? Absolutely not, the key is to just get started.

So what is it? What's that one thing you've been delaying, procrastinating, excuse making to start? Get in touch and let us know. We'd love to hear from you and help you get a kick-start!


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