“If You Want to Touch the Future, Touch a Life” – Certified Trichologist, Karen Gordon, on Hair Loss and What It Means to Live an “Enriched Life”

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Karen Gordon has been a salon professional for more than four decades. Everything she’s experienced in her career, from being a salon owner, to servicing her clients, to getting her Master’s Degree in business, has led her to this moment of being one of the country’s leading trichologists. 

More than 85 million Americans suffer from thinning hair and hair loss. In 2016, Karen created the Gordon Method of Hair & Scalp Analysis to more accurately uncover the underlying causes of hair and scalp conditions, and she teaches the Gordon Method to trichologists worldwide. She sees clients in her Chicago office, NYC and has a global clientele that she sees virtually. Most recently, Karen was tapped by Takara Belmont USA to lead their YUME Head Spa Education Program.

Below, Karen takes us behind the scenes of what her life looks like as the President of Karen Gordon Hair Loss Solutions. From her morning routines to her favorite way to wind down after an intense day—plus the single best piece of advice she’d give to her younger self—Karen has plenty of inspiration to share. This is how this self-described “entrepreneur at heart” gets it done.

Describe what an average day might look like for you:

My days are full. I like to wake up and read the news online while having a cappuccino. Watching the news is just too stressful! From there, I head to the gym for an hour with my personal trainer or a swim. I find swimming to be very therapeutic and working out helps clear my head. 

I shower, then go to my office and return emails, work on my blog and fill online orders. I grab a quick bit of lunch, then either head into the salon to see hair color clients, or into my clinic to see trichology clients. 

I work until around 7:00 pm, then grab a bite to eat. After a short rest, I’m back in my office for another hour or so of work. I go to bed around 11:00 pm and like to read until midnight, sometimes later. Reading too late in bed is one of my guilty pleasures.

What does the first hour of your day look like? Any morning routines/rituals? 

I like to rise slowly. While having a cappuccino, I always spend some quality time brushing and playing with my cat, Lewis. He is so appreciative. It is a great way to start the day!

Favorite tool or resource for time management and productivity (paper planner vs digital calendar, some combination of both?):

Although I use an online calendar, I also keep a paper monthly planner. I find it to be very visual and tactile. Something about the simplicity of it still appeals to me.

Do you have any mantras or favorite motivational quotes? 

I love quotes and feature them on my social media sites regularly. There are too many favorites to name them all, but one of my faves is, “If you want to touch the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the future, touch a life.” —UNKNOWN

Best piece of advice you’ve received and how did you apply it in your business? 

I was told failure is not an option. Therefore, I fight hard in every way to succeed.

How do you decide what to delegate and what to manage yourself?

When I owned my salon, I had about 22 employees. It was often hard to delegate. Eventually, I learned that if you train people properly, it is easier to delegate. If you do this, you can handle the higher level decisions, tasks and challenges and feel confident empowering others to handle the rest.

What’s your favorite/least favorite part of being an entrepreneur and business owner?

I’m an entrepreneur at heart, so my favorite part is seeing my ideas come to fruition. My least favorite part is all of the office work. I like the creative aspects much better.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to have more confidence in my abilities. I am very capable! It took me years to develop healthy self-esteem.

How do you wind down after an intense day? 

This one is easy. I like to go out and be served. Two glasses of wine. A half dozen oysters. Maybe some seafood. This makes me very happy. Then I come home, call my friends and family and cuddle with Lewis!

How do you define success?

To me success is feeling that I have a purpose and that I am fulfilling that purpose. It is not about being rich, but living an “enriched life” that is full of love and experiences. It is also knowing that I have made a difference somewhere, someway, somehow

Find Karen on Instagram @karengordonhairloss or email karen@karengordonhair.com.


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